Archive for the ‘Books’ Category

The Last Firewall

Posted: 11th August 2013 by williamhertling in Books

The Last Firewall, the third novel in the Singularity Novel collection by William Hertling, is now available from Amazon, Kobo, and more. Catherine Matthews, nineteen years old, has a unique gift: the ability to manipulate the net with her neural implant. But she’s never explored what it can do, seeing it as a defect rather […]

Avogadro Corp: The Singularity Is Closer Than It Appears

Posted: 22nd December 2011 by williamhertling in Books

Avogadro Corp, the techno-thriller about an artificial intelligence run amok, is available in paperback, for the kindle, and in a variety of ereader formats. Here’s some initial feedback from the sixteen reviews (and five star rating) Avogadro Corp received on Amazon: “A terrific, and stunningly believable, account of how the first sentient artificial intelligence might accidently […]

Avogadro Corp now available for eReaders!

Posted: 23rd November 2011 by williamhertling in Books

Avogadro Corp: The Singularity is Closer than It Appears is immediately available at Amazon (Kindle) and Smashwords (Apple, Sony, and Nook ereaders) for $4.99. Avogadro Corp is the story of what happens when a computer scientist, desperate to save his project from cancellation, accidentally creates an artificial intelligence. At first thrilled when the project is allocated […]